Local Control Accountability Plan

All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) - School Districts, County Offices of Education, and charters - are required to produce an LCAP, demonstrating how the LCFF funds are linked to meeting the needs of all students.

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is Discovery's three year plan for how it will use Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funding to serve all students, including English learners, low-income students, and foster youth. The LCFF is California's new funding formula for determining the level of state funding provided to school districts. The formula increases funding to improve the learning outcomes for state-identified target groups of students including English Learners, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students, Students with Disabilities, and Foster Youth/Homeless Youth.


Local Control Accountability Plan 2024

Local Control Accountability Plan 2023

Local Control Accountability Plan 2022


Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan