Fine Arts

Fine Arts at Discovery


Discovery Charter School has an amazing Fine Arts program based on an 11 week rotation schedule.  Over the course of the year, all K-8 students take PE, engineering, art, drama, music, and technology focusing on preparing students for Career and College Readiness and enriching 21st century skills!

Read below to learn more about our Fine Arts courses!

Fine Arts Team


                           Fine Arts 


Mrs. Mack (PE), Mrs. Valency (Music), Mrs. Wasyliw ( Engineering),Mrs. Iris Chamberlain (Drama/Theatre),Mrs. Donovan & Mrs. Meza (Art).


Art Studio

Discovery’s visual arts program covers all four disciplines of art: Art History (culture, geography, time periods), Art Criticism (Describing, analyzing, interpreting, judging), Art Production, and Art Aesthetics (ex: What is considered art?). The production part of the lesson incorporates many styles of art including printmaking, mosaics, painting, wire and clay sculpture, weaving, and charcoal drawings. All of the lessons are aligned with the CA Core Art standards for each grade level. In addition to meeting these standards, the curriculum is uniquely designed so that it is differentiated amongst the grade levels based on what the students are learning in their classrooms. Many projects have a strong common core tie-in such as teaching fourth graders to use geometry, angles, and radial symmetry to produce a stained-glass window print. Lessons are also aligned with the NGSS standards to extend student learning beyond their classrooms and develop science concepts further through the visual arts. An example of this would be taking content that first graders have learned about outer space and creating an oil pastel art piece depicting different types of nebulae and galaxies. Here at Discovery, students take a lot of pride and ownership in their artwork. They are always given margin for creative freedom, and they are encouraged to take risks and experiment. Students are taught to embrace their mistakes and turn them into something beautiful. After exploring new techniques, students become facilitators of their own learning and are encouraged to come up and teach the class their alternative method or creative solution. For students who are passionate about the visual arts, afterschool art clubs are offered to help further develop their artistic skills. The Art Studio offers a safe space for all students to express themselves through a variety of creative outlets. 



At Discovery Charter school our Physical Education Program focuses on developing the whole child.  

Primary (Kindergarten – 6th Grade)

Every week our Kindergarten through 6th grade students have physical education during their fine arts rotation.  During this rotation students learn a variety of locomotor and manipulative skills through sports and fitness activities.   Each activity is designed to develop the age-appropriate skills that students can use as they continue to develop physically.

Part of developing the whole child includes incorporating Discovery’s Core values into every lesson.  While most skills are learned on an individual basis many are developed through team activities.  In these team activities we focus on having good Sportsmanship towards all students. 

Middle School (7th & 8th Grade)

Our middle school students participate in Physical Education class 4 times a week.  In middle school we continue to focus on maturing manipulative skills as well as living an activity and healthy lifestyle. 

Throughout the year the students are assessed on different aspects of their fitness and set goals to improve in each area. 

Every year our middle school students develop and implement their own personal fitness plan.  In this fitness plan they include activities that improve their cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and flexibility.  The goal of the plan is to teach students how to take control of their personal fitness, use activities they enjoy and continue to be active outside of PE class. 

Our middle school students also learn about other health topics including nutrition and basic resistance training. 


Robotics & Engineering Lab

At Discovery Charter School, we couldn't agree more with the statement released by the National Science Foundation-- “In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of both globalization and a knowledge-based economy. To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEAM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.” 

In order to compete in a global economy, STEAM education and careers must be a priority and they ARE at Discovery Charter School.

It’s becoming more and more clear that most jobs of the future will require a better understanding of math, science & technology and in the engineering lab, our learning really prioritizes these aspects in our students’ education. 

During the school day students have the opportunity to test out their interests in engineering as well as programming through both drone and robotics venues. Students take these courses as a part of the weekly elementary fine arts rotations or daily as a middle school elective course.

We introduce science, technology, engineering, arts, and math to students through fun, exciting experiential learning. Using First Lego League’s model, Students interact with real-world problem-solving situations which enables today’s students to best prepare to be tomorrow’s leaders . Our classes offered at discovery encourage students to experiment and grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on learning.

Additionally, there are also after school program opportunities. Each quarter we feature different clubs and teams for students to pursue their interests and develop new skills -these include Drone clubs, Robotics teams, GATE clubs , and Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM) teams. 

In order to compete in a global economy, STEAM education and careers must be a priority and they ARE at Discovery Charter School.



At Discovery Charter School, all students in kindergarten through sixth grade receive music education as part of their fine arts rotations. Our curriculum is based on the National Core Arts Standards, which call on students to create, perform, respond, and connect to music. Discovery’s students receive a well balanced music education, including musical literacy and ear training, music history and appreciation, composition, improvisation, and performance.


According to the NAMM Foundation, students who receive music education have stronger listening skills and greater gains in auditory and motor functions than those who do not. Researchers also found that students who regularly attend and participate in music classes have increased neuroplasticity, which has a lifelong effect on neural function and learning. Music education has been tied to improvements in reading and speech development. Perhaps even more important than the academic effects of music are the socio-emotional benefits that our students are receiving through music education. With a focus on restorative practices and community building, the music classroom is a safe place where each child is a valued member of an ensemble.


Discovery Middle School offers ukulele and music theory electives. The students grow in overall musicianship as they learn chord progressions, strum patterns, and songs on the ukulele. They also learn how to understand chords and song forms, practice effectively, and perform for others. Our middle school musicians learn to read music and compose their own pieces of music.


Discovery’s after school choirs give students additional opportunities to refine their musical literacy skills, practice ear training, perform for others, and develop strong bonds with others in their singing community. Although the choir program is on hold for the 21-22 school year due to Covid, we look forward to its return next year.



Music Research for Kids. NAMM Foundation. (2020, February 20). Retrieved December 17, 2021, from

Rodrigues, A. C., Loureiro, M. A., & Caramelli, P. (2010). Musical training, neuroplasticity and

cognition. Dementia & neuropsychologia, 4(4), 277–286.





Discovery Charter School offers a comprehensive theatre program spanning from transitional kindergarten through eighth grade.  The program emphasizes collaboration, allowing students to learn how to utilize their individual talents while working together towards shared artistic objectives.  Students develop skills such as following direction, building confidence, understanding the value of hard work, empathizing with others, presenting themselves in front of audiences, and relying on teamwork to achieve collective success.

Aligned with the California Arts Standards, the curriculum provides students opportunities to create, perform, respond, and connect to theatre.  Elementary students receive a well-rounded education covering physical and vocal techniques, improvisation, character development, technical theatre elements, and live performance through musical productions.  This foundational learning prepares elementary students for deeper exploration in Discovery Middle School’s Technical Theatre elective.  Here, students gain hands-on experience in designing, constructing, and managing aspects of musical theatre productions.  They collaborate closely with a design team to create scenery, props, costumes, lighting concepts, sound cues, and manage stage operations. 

Beyond academic hours, Discovery offers an after-school Drama Club open to fourth through eighth graders through audition.   This club annually performs Musical Theatre International shows and provides students with professional audition experiences where they engage in acting, singing, music learning, dance performance, and technical theatre roles.  These experiences not only build confidence and provide creative outlets but also instill a sense of accomplishment and belonging. 

Discovery Charter School’s theatre program is committed to nurturing artistic abilities and preparing students for successful futures by developing essential life and professional skills.  Through comprehensive education, hands-on experiences, and performance opportunities, students discover their potential and find a meaningful place within the arts and their school community.